Element | Description | Attributes |
a | Hyperlink | href ; target ; download ; ping ; rel ; hreflang ; type |
abbr | Abbreviation | |
address | Contact information for a page or article element | |
area | Hyperlink or dead area on an image map | alt ; coords ; shape ; href ; target ; download ; ping ; rel ; hreflang ; type |
article | Self-contained syndicatable or reusable composition | |
aside | Sidebar for tangentially related content | |
audio | Audio player | crossorigin ; preload ; autoplay ; mediagroup ; loop ; muted ; controls |
b | Keywords | |
base | Base URL and default target browsing context for hyperlinks and forms | |
bdi | Text directionality isolation | |
bdo | Text directionality formatting | |
blockquote | A section quoted from another source | |
body | Document body | onafterprint ; onbeforeprint ; onbeforeunload ; onfullscreenchange ; onfullscreenerror ; onhashchange ; onmessage ; onoffline ; ononline ; onpagehide ; onpageshow ; onpopstate ; onresize ; onstorage ; onunload |
br | Line break, e.g. in poem or postal address | |
button | Button control | autofocus ; disabled ; form ; formaction ; formenctype ; formmethod ; formnovalidate ; formtarget ; name ; type ; value |
canvas | Scriptable bitmap canvas | width ; height |
caption | Table caption | |
cite | Title of a work | |
code | Computer code | |
col | Table column | span |
colgroup | Group of columns in a table | span |
menuitem | Menu command | type ; label ; icon ; disabled ; checked ; radiogroup ; command |
data | Machine-readable equivalent | value |
datalist | Container for options for combo box control | |
dd | Content for corresponding dt element(s) | |
del | A removal from the document | cite ; datetime |
details | Disclosure control for hiding details | code title="attr-details-open">open |
dfn | Defining instance | |
dialog | Dialog box or window | open |
div | Generic flow container | |
dl | Association list consisting of zero or more name-value groups | |
dt | Legend for corresponding dd element(s) | |
em | Stress emphasis | |
embed | Plugin | src ; type ; width ; height ; any* |
fieldset | Group of form controls | disabled ; form ; name |
figcaption | Caption for figure | |
figure | Figure with optional caption | |
footer | Footer for a page or section | |
form | User-submittable form | accept-charset ; action ; autocomplete ; enctype ; method ; name ; novalidate ; target |
h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , h5 , h6 | Section heading | |
head | Container for document metadata | |
header | Introductory or navigational aids for a page or section | |
hgroup | Heading group | |
hr | Thematic break | |
html | Root element | manifest |
i | Alternate voice | |
iframe | Nested browsing context | src ; srcdoc ; name ; sandbox ; seamless ; allowfullscreen ; width ; height |
img | Image | alt ; src ; srcset ; crossorigin ; usemap ; ismap ; width ; height |
input | Form control | accept ; alt ; autocomplete ; autofocus ; checked ; dirname ; disabled ; form ; formaction ; formenctype ; formmethod ; formnovalidate ; formtarget ; height ; list ; max ; maxlength ; min ; multiple ; name ; pattern ; placeholder ; readonly ; required ; size ; src ; step ; type ; value ; width |
ins | An addition to the document | cite ; datetime |
kbd | User input | |
keygen | Cryptographic key-pair generator form control | autofocus ; challenge ; disabled ; form ; keytype ; name |
label | Caption for a form control | form ; for |
legend | Caption for fieldset | |
li | List item | value * |
link | Link metadata | href ; crossorigin ; rel ; media ; hreflang ; type ; sizes |
main | Container for the dominant contents of another element | |
map | Image map | name |
mark | Highlight | |
menu | Menu of commands | type ; label |
meta | Text metadata | name ; http-equiv ; content ; charset |
meter | Gauge | value ; min ; max ; low ; high ; optimum |
nav | Section with navigational links | |
noscript | Fallback content for script | |
object | Image, nested browsing context, or plugin | data ; type ; typemustmatch ; name ; usemap ; form ; width ; height |
ol | Ordered list | reversed ; start ; type |
optgroup | Group of options in a list box | disabled ; label |
option | Option in a list box or combo box control | disabled ; label ; selected ; value |
output | Calculated output value | for ; form ; name |
p | Paragraph | |
param | Parameter for object | name ; value |
pre | Block of preformatted text | |
progress | Progress bar | value ; max |
q | Quotation | cite |
rp | Parenthesis for ruby annotation text | |
rt | Ruby annotation text | |
ruby | Ruby annotation(s) | |
s | Inaccurate text | |
samp | Computer output | |
script | Embedded script | src ; type ; charset ; async ; defer ; crossorigin |
section | Generic document or application section | |
select | List box control | autofocus ; disabled ; form ; multiple ; name ; required ; size |
small | Side comment | |
source | Media source for video or audio | src ; type ; media |
span | Generic phrasing container | |
strong | Importance | |
style | Embedded styling information | media ; type ; scoped |
sub | Subscript | |
summary | Caption for details | |
sup | Superscript | |
table | Table | |
tbody | Group of rows in a table | |
td | Table cell | colspan ; rowspan ; headers |
textarea | Multiline text field | autofocus ; cols ; dirname ; disabled ; form ; maxlength ; name ; placeholder ; readonly ; required ; rows ; wrap |
tfoot | Group of footer rows in a table | |
th | Table header cell | colspan ; rowspan ; headers ; scope ; abbr |
thead | Group of heading rows in a table | |
time | Machine-readable equivalent of date- or time-related data | datetime |
title | Document title | |
tr | Table row | |
track | Timed text track | default ; kind ; label ; src ; srclang |
u | Keywords | |
ul | List | |
var | Variable | |
video | Video player | src ; crossorigin ; poster ; preload ; autoplay ; mediagroup ; loop ; muted ; controls ; width ; height |
wbr | Line breaking opportunity |
An asterisk (*) in a cell indicates that the actual rules are more complicated than indicated in the table above.